Sara Leger and Erynn standing in front of the mural of sunflowers in South Glengarry

Painting A Mural In Our Local Long Term Care Facility

Making a Difference with Art

Art has a way of bringing people together and boosting mood which I saw first hand, at the long term care home in South Glengarry. We were given an amazing opportunity to combine our painting skills with heartfelt creativity and lift the spirits of not only the elderly residents but also those who care deeply for them. Thank you Erynn for being my partner in painting for this project.

We were featured in this article by the Cornwall Seaway News! How cool is that?!

Let’s dive into the painting process we used for this mural.

Table of Contents

    Planning The Mural: Connecting with the Space and Residents

    Understanding the Space

    Before picking up my brushes, I took the time to visit the long term care facility to get an idea of the space and what they were looking for in a mural design. By understanding the preferences and interests of the residents and those who care for them, I was able to tailor the mural to resonate with their wants. They wanted BRIGHT and CHEERY!

    Selecting the Right Location

    Choosing the right wall for the mural was no easy task. With the help of the staff we were able to maximizing its impact while respecting the routines of the residents and staff (to put it bluntly – not get in the way!). After talking it over with we decided on creating the mural outside the recreation room which was located at the end of a hall, minimizing disruptions to all involved.

    Flexibility in scheduling is crucial to accommodate residents’ needs. This is their home which runs 24 hours a day meaning there are no OFF HOURS. So scheduling to accommodate both staff and residents’ needs was uber important!!!

    butterfly and sunflower flower wall mural by Sara Leger and Erynn, in South Glengarry

    The Mural Step By Step

    Bring The Vision to Life

    1. Design The Mural. Time to get artsy! I searched for inspiration on Pinterest and start sketching out the design.
    2. Gather Supplies. You can’t paint without your tools! Grab your brushes, paints, water container, rags, dish-soap, drop clothes, tape, step stool, and whatever else is needed. PRO TIP: some kind of rolling table for all the supplies which helps maintain a tidy workspace.
    3. Prepping The Wall. Clean it up, get rid of any junk, and give it a fresh coat of primer if needed.
    4. Scale The Design. Transfer the design to the wall, making sure it fits just right. You can free hand it like we did or use a projector. Start with a pencil/chalk drawing first so that you can easily wipe off any mistakes.
    5. Painting The Mural. Now comes the fun part – bringing our vision to life! We started with blocking in the largest forms then tightened it up with some bold outlines. We each took a wall and loosely painted the interior colours of each flower, starting with the lightest colour first then adding shadows. We didn’t get too fussy with the background because we let our creativity flow freely knowing that we’d be doing touch ups. We then outlined the entire piece with either black paint or acrylic paint pens.

    NOTE: Online you’ll see murals that are outlined first then painted in. I tried that way as a test run of this mural and it just became a big messy, muddy flower. The paint by numbers mural technique just wasn’t for me in my experience but maybe it will for you.

    BONUS: Step back to admire the finished masterpiece. When we finished nearly 5 hours later we couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. The staff and residents were clearly thrilled to see the finished piece and throughout were constantly praising the work. Knowing that this art has brought joy and inspiration to others is truly rewarding.

    Giving Back to the Community.

    Remember, art is meant to be shared. When you create art you not only add a splash of color to someone’s day, but you also nourish your own soul in the process. Giving back to the community through art is a powerful way to connect with others and I am so grateful to have had this amazing opportunity.

    Sara Leger

    Keep being awesome folks!!! And if you have any questions on how you can paint your own mural or for commissions please feel free to contact me.

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