Group Show With Sara Leger and Erynn in Cherry Bomb Studio

Matronage: Empowering the Unseen Voices in Art

Let's Play the Name Game: Five Female Artists Who Aren't Georgia O'Keefe.

Sadly I could only name Fridah Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama, Judy Chicago and….hmmm? 

That little test reminded why I paint empowering, bold, loud art and why it’s so important as a woman to do my best to succeed and empower female artists. 

As I plan to navigate my life with even more audacity, I’ve stumbled upon a killer concept – Matronage. It goes beyond merely buying or creating art; it’s a bold statement that women matter in the art world.  I’m on a mission to shake up the art world’s gender bias. Emily Carr!!!!   I got another!

Ditch the 'Patron' Tag: Embrace the Badge of 'Matron of the Arts'

Approaching my 48th birthday, I find myself on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, embracing the wisdom that each wrinkle and gray hair brings. I write about it in my post here. In this pursuit of authenticity, I’ve stumbled upon an insightful article by Less Than Half, an education and advisory platform dedicated to elevating female artists. She writes about, “A patron of the arts is traditionally termed as someone who loves and supports creative work, but the outdated male-centric language often obscures the broader landscape of non-male arts advocates. Here lies an opportunity for us, as women, to redefine our role as patrons and embrace the empowering title of “matron of the arts.”

Matronage, is our battle cry. It’s a rally to back, celebrate and showcase female artists. By collecting, sharing and displaying their work we’re rewriting the narrative to be more inclusive, more vibrant and frankly, more freaking real.

The Shocking Stats: Breaking Down Art World Gender Party Fouls

Now, brace yourself for the sad stats. Despite women being statistically more likely than men to be trained as artists, they get a staggeringly low representation of only 15%  in major U.S. museum exhibits from 2008 to 2020. And the auction scene? A measly (3% – 4%) is credited to female artists, with Black American women making up just 0.1%. Talk about an art world gender party foul. 

This gender imbalance is not only a matter of fairness; it deprives our culture. Art, as a uniquely human pursuit, describes what it is to be a human being. By excluding women from museums and collections, we’re saying their stories don’t matter. 

Infograph of percentage of artists that are white men

Here’s the Exciting Part… - The Great Wealth Transfer and Our Potential Impact.

The Great Wealth Transfer, predicted to see women inherit two-thirds of wealth handed down by baby boomers, coupled with women’s increasing influence in the corporate and entrepreneurial realms, positions us to make a substantial impact. We hold the potential to reshape the landscape of the art world, marking an unparalleled opportunity for societal change ans with a paltry number like 3% – 4%, there’s plenty of room to grow.

Let’s change the INFURIATING narrative that women in arts is “just a hobby” and not a real job. GRRRRR!!!!!

The great wealth transfer told in percentages

Being a Matron of the Arts: How to Support, Document, and Promote Female Artists


  • Continuous Support: Matrons buy art throughout artists’ life stages, addressing challenges faced by artist-mothers and ensuring female artists stay connected to the art world.
  • Documentation: Gathering and preserving comprehensive documentation bridges information gaps, enabling future scholars to understand and appreciate female artists’ work.
  • Promotion: Matrons actively promote female artists by sharing collections on social media, lending to museum shows, and organizing private exhibitions, fostering broader exposure.

Why Matronage Matters: A Profound Statement for a More Inclusive Art World

Matronage of the arts is a powerful catalyst for change in the male-dominated art world. As we approach unprecedented financial empowerment, it’s not just about buying art; it’s a declaration that women matter!

  • It addresses systemic imbalances by supporting artists throughout life, preserving their legacy through documentation, and promoting their work for broader exposure.
  • It’s a profound statement affirming the importance of female voices, challenging traditional structures, and rewriting the narrative of the art world.
  • It celebrates female creativity, resilience, and actively reshapes the trajectory of art history.
  • It’s an investment in being the change we wish to see, fostering a more inclusive and vibrant art world.

In a world where women are gaining unprecedented financial power, we stand at a pivotal moment. The statistics might be disheartening but it’s not our destiny.

As Matrons Of The Arts, we have the opportunity to challenge hundreds of years of imbalances where it hurts the most – the wallets. It’s more than a financial transaction; it’s a profound statement affirming the importance of female voices in shaping humanity’s rich tapestry.


Photo source Federal reserve, Guerrilla Girls, National Museum of women in the arts.

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