7 Reasons Why Art is Your Ally in Tough Times

Art is my Therapy

In the midst of life’s uncertainty, art can be therapy to some, as it becomes a powerful lifeline for countless women who often feel their voices are silenced. In a world that frequently pressures women to prioritize being ‘nice,’ A B.S. term for “stifle your true opinions and feelings”, art emerges as a trusted. 

Art can be a method of healing. It helps us discover our inner strength and authenticity even in the most challenging circumstances.  Art offers solace, self-expression, and a guiding light through the darkest moments. Here are seven compelling reasons why art – good or terrible, boy oh boy, I have some ugly pieces -is a fabulous way to find resilience and give voice to the unspoken during tough times:”


1. Art as Self-Expression

Imagine a canvas filled with vibrant, swirling colors expressing the depth of your joy, sadness, or even anger when words alone fall short. That’s the magic of art—it doesn’t have to mean anything! Art is your trusted confidant, encouraging you to speak your truth. No one needs to see it!

Art is the language of the heart, where colors & lines speak louder than words. – Sara Leger

Portrait by Sara Leger of her Nan during a sad time to help her grieve. Birds and flowers adorn the hair. It was art as therapy. 
Art as Therapy example. A painting created to commemorate a loved one.
Nan – Memorial Portrait By Sara Leger


2. A Journey Through Pain

When I lost my beloved Nan, I turned to my canvas to create a portrait in her memory. Each brushstroke was a whisper of love, of pain of my deep lose. For weeks I painted behind the couch in our crowded apartment, I don’t know why, I just did. It helped me navigate the mess of emotions and ultimately find solace.

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison


3. Embrace the Chaos

Art is like that unpredictable friend who drags you into a spontaneous adventure. You start with a plan, but the canvas insists on its own ideas, and throughout the process you learn, you play and you realize that life is chaos. In the image above I had spilled the metallic ink you see and that created a whole new image that I had to work through… from it emerged the movement of the hair and the addition of the blue bird. Through it all something often beautiful will emerge, as long as you persevere.

“We don’t make mistakes. Just happy little accidents.” – Bob Ross

Portrait painting of a lady and a bird with ink spilled on it  
Spilled Ink on A painting reminds us that “there are no mistakes only happy accidents.” – Bob Ross


4. Embracing Versatility and Trial-and-Error

Art is your playground, where versatility reigns supreme. Just as life demands adaptability and the courage to try and fail, experimenting with various artistic mediums—be it bold acrylics, subtle watercolors, or whatever sparks your curiosity—allows you to uncover your unique voice. It’s a reflection of life’s journey where figuring things out through trial and error leads to growth. It’s a reflection of life’s journey where figuring things out through trial and error leads to growth, and where the wisdom to know what to keep and what to discard can make or break something beautiful.

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” – Scott Adams


5. Discovering Self and Innermost Truths

When words refuse to cooperate, art provides a sanctuary. It grants you the power to convey those unspoken feelings onto canvas, where they find their voice —a journey that can be solely for you. Through your art, you can shed the layers of societal expectations, creating pieces that unapologetically reflect your truth. It’s your canvas, your rules!

“Creativity is the language of the soul, and it speaks without filters.” – Sara Leger

Geisha giving the finger painting


Classy & Sassy, 8×10 Painting by Sara leger


6. A Guiding Light in Adversity

Example: In the face of adversity, your art becomes a source of inspiration. Sharing your creations can uplift others, reminding them that creativity and beauty can thrive even in challenging times.

“The artist is not a special kind of person; rather, each person is a special kind of artist.” – Ananda Coomaraswamy


7. Inspiration and Connection

So, during those challenging moments, pick up that brush, pencil, or sculpting tool. Let your inner world spill onto your canvas. Embrace the therapeutic power of art, and watch as it helps you find your voice, illuminate your path, and bring beauty into even the darkest of times.

Art is like a puzzle, where each piece, no matter how small, contributes to the breathtaking whole.

Remember, in the world of art, you are free to be unapologetically you.

Inspiration might strike in the shower, during a song, or when you’re feeling particularly moody and often times you just can’t explain it. Art lets you capture these sparks and weave them into your creations. A moment caught in time, connecting you with the world you live which is why I create bold and powerful women portraits to empower women around me.

Your voice matters, your story matters, and your art matters. Let it be your light in the storm.

“Be unapologetically you.”

Devine Strength Oil on Canvas

With love *no hugs though 😉 * and creativity,

Sara Leger – Cherry Bomb Studio

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